How to view invoices in the Compliance Portal

From the compliance portal, you can view unpaid invoices for all properties or open a specific property and view all the invoices that have been issued.

Viewing all unpaid invoices
  1. Navigate to the Urgent action required section from the Compliance Portal Dashboard (Home), and click Pay overdue invoices. This will display all properties that have overdue invoices and the property is overdue for service.

    Screenshot 2024-06-25 092536.png

    Pro tip:

    From this area, you can click Download PDF to view the invoice or click (Screenshot 2024-06-19 150717.png) and choose Send Invoice to share the invoice with owners via email.

  2. To see all properties with overdue invoices, scroll to the bottom of the Urgent action required section and click View all overdue invoices. This will open the Portfolio page with the preference Overdue invoices selected. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-25 092635.png
  3. You'll now see all properties that have overdue invoices. To view the invoices, hover over the Overdue invoices or Outstanding invoices label and click View Invoices

    Screenshot 2024-06-25 092845.png

    Pro tip:

    If you want to see all properties with invoices, including those that are not overdue, adjust the filter to include Outstanding (shown below).

    Screenshot 2024-06-19 151507.png

Viewing all invoices for a specific property
  1. From the Dashboard (Home menu) search for the relevant property.

  2. For the property you want to add documents, click the address to view the property or click the three dots (Screenshot 2024-06-19 104830.png), and choose View property.

  3. Select the Documents tab from the sub-navigation on the left.

  4. The Documents page will appear. You can filter the documents from this page to display all the invoices.

  5. To filter the documents, select the Invoice option from the Document type dropdown.

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