Moving to Detector Inspector
When an agency changes the smoke alarm provider to Detector Inspector, we treat the property as being eligible for all the benefits of our subscription service from the point of transfer.
This includes:
- Free callouts for enrolled properties for fault investigations, where they are unable to be resolved through telephone support;
- Free replacement of faulty smoke alarms where under the manufacturer’s warranty and listed on our website here (excluded are Excess Smoke Alarms and Low Voltage Smoke Alarms linked to a fire indication panel).
This is true regardless of when the last subscription was paid to the prior provider.
What happens if I move away from Detector Inspector
Consistent with this approach, when an agency moves their properties away from Detector Inspector to an alternate service provider, the obligation to provide scheduled services and support shifts from Detector Inspector to the new provider from the date of transfer.
From time to time the new provider may be called out to address a fault in a Detector Inspector supplied alarm. Where the provider validates that a smoke alarm supplied by Detector Inspector has a fault, Detector Inspector will provide a replacement smoke alarm where it is covered by Detector Inspector’s product warranty, delivered to the agency office.
Responsibility for the installation of the replacement smoke alarm will rest with the new provider.
Please note
Detector Inspector subscriptions are non-refundable, irrespective of whether the service has been delivered or not.