Understanding Service Reports

Viewing and Sharing Service Reports in the Compliance Portal

For instructions on viewing and sharing service reports in the compliance portal, click here to find out more.

Smoke alarm Service Report

Below we take you through the key components of a smoke alarm safety service Service Report. 

Service Report Overview

Every Service Report contains a summary of the property and service completion details at the top.

If you're viewing the online version of a Service Report, you can also download a PDF version by clicking the Download Service Report PDF link. If there is a linked quote or an issued certificate, it will be displayed here.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 101946.png

Each service report will be categorised as either Compliant or Non-compliant. Below are the definitions of both.

Status Description
Screenshot 2024-09-23 105510.png

No urgent repairs. Where no “urgent repairs” (as defined in the RTA) are identified during the check and therefore no immediate action is required by the rental provider in relation to the findings.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 105514.png Urgent repairs are required. Where “urgent repairs” (as defined in the RTA) are identified during the check and therefore immediate action is required by the rental provider in relation to the findings.


We will show a breakdown of our findings which will be separated into three groups. Urgent repairs required, Safety-related findings, and Other findings. See the description of each below.

Status Description
Screenshot 2024-09-23 110231.png Urgent repairs required are items that are identified in the safety check that meet the definition of an "urgent repair" under the RTA and require immediate action by the rental provider to rectify.
Screenshot 2024-09-23 110235.png Safety-related findings are items that are identified in the safety check that do not constitute an "urgent repair" but are safety-related and require disclosure to the rental provider.
Screenshot 2024-09-23 110240.png Other findings are items that are identified in the safety check that do not constitute an "urgent repair" and are not safety-related but do require disclosure to the rental provider.
Issues Breakdown

For each appliance/device that needs action, we summarise the issue and how we recommend resolving it. This will be separated into three groups: Urgent repairs required, Safety-related findings, and Other findings.

Viewing Media
For each smoke alarm, we take a photo showing the alarm position, alarm label and decibel reading during the service for review and audit trail purposes.

If we reposition a mains-powered smoke alarm, in addition to the above, we show the new and old alarm positions and any damages from the prior installation.

Click the All media button next to see all images.

There will also be times when we link media to specific problems. If available there will be a View Issue related media link in the problem description.

Fact Sheets
Fact sheets are attached to certain problem items and provide additional information about regulatory compliance references or safety information.

To view a fact sheet, click on the drop-down of a specific issue and any applicable fact sheets will be displayed. In the example below we see the Interconnection Fact Sheet.

Gas/electrical Service Reports

Below we take you through the key components of a gas/electrical safety service Service Report. 

Service Report Overview

Every Service Report contains a summary of the property and service completion details at the top.

If you're viewing the online version of a Service Report, you can also download a PDF version by clicking the Download Service Report PDF link. If there is a linked quote or an issued certificate, it will be displayed here.

Each service report will be categorised as either Compliant or Non-compliant. Below are the definitions of both.

Status Description
Screenshot 2024-09-23 105510.png

No urgent repairs. Where no “urgent repairs” (as defined in the RTA) are identified during the check and therefore no immediate action is required by the rental provider in relation to the findings.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 105514.png Urgent repairs are required. Where “urgent repairs” (as defined in the RTA) are identified during the check and therefore immediate action is required by the rental provider in relation to the findings.


We will show a breakdown of our findings which will be separated into three groups. Urgent repairs required, Safety-related findings, and Other findings. See the description of each below.

Status Description
Screenshot 2024-09-23 110231.png Urgent repairs required are items that are identified in the safety check that meet the definition of an "urgent repair" under the RTA and require immediate action by the rental provider to rectify.
Screenshot 2024-09-23 110235.png Safety-related findings are items that are identified in the safety check that do not constitute an "urgent repair" but are safety-related and require disclosure to the rental provider.
Screenshot 2024-09-23 110240.png Other findings are items that are identified in the safety check that do not constitute an "urgent repair" and are not safety-related but do require disclosure to the rental provider.
Issues Breakdown
For each appliance/device that needs action, we summarise the issue and how we recommend resolving it.
This will be separated into three groups: Urgent repairs required, Safety-related findings, and Other findings.

Viewing Media
For each appliance/device, we take a photo or video of all key steps during the service for review and accuracy purposes.
Click the All media button next to see all images.

There will also be times when we link media to specific problems. If available there will be a View Issue related media link in the problem description.

Fact Sheets
Fact sheets are attached to certain problem items and provide additional information about components that need to be fixed, regulatory compliance references, or safety information.

Fact sheets will be displayed as a link on the right hand side.

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