Identification - Main Switch & Main Isolator - Labelling

Main Switch & Main Isolator

Main switches shall be identified as follows:

Each main switch shall be marked "MAIN SWITCH" and shall be readily distinguishable from other switchgear by means of grouping, contrasting colouring or other suitable means to provide for prompt operation in an emergency.

Refer to the Australian wiring rules: AS/NZS 3000 - Clause (a)

A main or isolating switch
shall be installed on the switchboard in the outbuilding to control the electrical installation in the outbuilding. 

Refer to the Australian wiring rules: AS/NZS 3000 - Clause (b) (i)

Isolating switches & Circuit Breakers
shall be legibly and permanently identified, e.g. by marking, to indicate the circuits that they isolate. 

Refer to the Australian wiring rules: AS/NZS 3000 - Clause

Where the making of the fuse base does not correctly indicate the rating of the associated fuse element, the rating of the fuse element shall be marked either on an exposed non-detachable portion of the fuse, on its enclosing case, or on the switchboard adjacent to the fuse. 

Refer to the Australian wiring rules: AS/NZS 3000 - Clause 2.10.5

Refer to the Australian wiring rules: AS/NZS 3000 - Clause

Here are some examples of compliant switchboards.





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