From the Quotations page in the compliance portal, you can:
- accept or decline quotes
- email or download quotes
- request a reissue of an expired quote
How to:
From the Action Required menu, choose Quotes.
Quotations awaiting approval by default will be displayed first in the list. You can also filter the quotes by using the Quotation Status drop-down header.
- From the Quotations page, click Respond to open the quotation in a new window.
- Once the quote is open, scroll down to locate the quoted items and click Accept or Decline accordingly.
Accept all items
You can accept all items using the option at the top of the quote or, accept line items individually.
- Once you have accepted or declined the line items, scroll down to the bottom of the quote, and click Confirm.
- You will be given a summary of the quote and your selections. You can click Confirm once you have checked everything is correct. Once confirmed our team will be notified of your response.
From the Quotations page, click the blue Quote button on the table's right side.
From the Quotations page, click the Mail button (envelope). The service report will also be sent with the quotation.
Note: The default contact email for the property will display, but you can edit this to any email address you want to send to.
From the Quotations page, click the Reissue button on an expired quote. This will send a request to our team to reissue a new quote. Due to the time gap between quotes, line items and pricing may change.