We are excited to introduce the new Portfolio Page, designed to give your agency a comprehensive view of all properties and the services they are enrolled in. This feature-rich page allows for detailed filtering, ensuring you can easily manage and oversee all aspects of your property portfolio.
Under the Actions column, you can see key actions for the property. You can hover over these actions to gain additional information and access other areas of the portal.

For each property in the portfolio, you can click the three dots ( ) to access additional options for the property.
Filter the list by the services the property is enrolled in. Smoke, Gas, Electrical, Corded Blinds, Water Efficiency, and Safety Switches. -
The Including selected dropdown for Property services allows you to filter the services by:
Including selected (default) - Includes all properties for the service selected. E.g, if you select smoke, you'll see all properties that have smoke and any other additional services.
Only selected - Only includes the properties for the services you have selected. E.g, if you select smoke, you'll only see properties that have only a smoke service.
Excluding selected - This option will allow you to see which properties are not signed up for a service. E.g, if you select smoke and choose this option, you'll see all properties not signed up for Smoke. -
Filter by a property manager, you'll be able to select any property manager from your agency. -
Filter the properties by the type of enrolment. -
Filter the properties with invoices due, allowing you to see all overdue invoices, all outstanding invoices, or both. -
Filter the properties with quotes pending, allowing you to see quotes with urgent items, no urgent items, or both. The issue is defined as ‘urgent’ where the quotes are for safety issues, compliance issues or appliance disconnections. -
Filter the properties with jobs pending. You can see all jobs pending, or select specific states of the booking phase. -
Additional filter options are also available, which allow you to narrow down specific areas of your portfolio.